This Friday, December 02, 2022 is held in Accra, Ghana, the third Technical Advisory Committee session of the VFDM project entitled. It will allow:
(i) to review the progress of the project activities, mainly the project activities carried out in collaboration with the National and Regional Agencies of the countries of the Volta Basin;
(ii) to participate and contribute to discussions with the Project monitoring mission led by the Adaptation Fund, focusing mainly on the project implementation methods, coordination at regional, national and local levels, the impacts of the results on stakeholders and beneficiaries;
(iii) analyze the effectiveness and applicability of the results and achievements obtained and,
(iv) to examine the challenges encountered and to propose solutions for the continuation of the implementation of the project.
As a reminder, the World Meteorological Organization WMO (a specialized agency of the United Nations), VBA (Volta Basin Authority) and GWP (Global Water Partnership) West Africa are implementing the VFDM project entitled ‘Integrating the management flood and drought and early warning for climate change adaptation in the Volta Basin’. Project activities started in June 2019 and will last until mid-2023. This project is funded by the Adaptation Fund. The project has set up a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) with experts and representatives of national agencies and regional organizations in the Volta Basin to review the implementation of project activities and share experiences and methodologies to develop synergies and complementarities with other initiatives.
The primary task of the PTAC is to provide strategic direction and support to the project coordinator and team to ensure that activities and results meet project objectives. The responsibilities and duties of the members of the PTAC are as follows:
- Examine the products/results of the project and identify strengths/weaknesses in relation to the objectives of the projects and the applications of the results (open source, sustainable and tailor-made products and services with institutional strengthening);
- Comment on the skills of the teams and the relevance of their proposals and actions;
- Link the efforts of project stakeholders to other initiatives to create synergies, optimize resources and ensure coherence;
- Promote the visibility of the activities of the VFDM project.