Boosting support for African OBTs for improved management of water resources in a context of climate change is a project financed by the French Development Agency and the International Office for Water.
Supporting transboundary water management in Africa to strengthen regional integration and development:
- Draw inspiration from past experiences to renew intervention methods
- Support concrete achievements falling within the development axes of IWRM
- Support the implementation of the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) in cross-border basins in Africa
Specific objective: strengthen the capacities of the OBTs concerned in the 4 pillars of IWRM and promote the sharing of experiences
SO1: Improve the governance of OBTs, their institutional organization and support the establishment of new autonomous and sustainable financing mechanisms
SO2: Strengthen water information systems for adaptation to climate change, use and disseminate their products and develop tools and applications
SO3: Support strategic planning of measures and actions to improve watershed management, as well as the programming and management of cross-border infrastructure, including nature-based solutions
SO4: Promote new modes of sharing experiences and exchanges between OBTs